Healthcare sector currently employs around 36 lakhs employees and is slated to employ more than 74 lakh by 2022.

Career in Radiology After 12th in Mumbai

With the recent advancements in technology in the healthcare industry, there has been a continuous rise in the demand for skilled technicians. One such demand is for Radiologists. Hence there is a huge scope for a career in radiology after 12th in Mumbai.

At present one of the best courses available to make a career in Radiology after 12th in Mumbai is provided by Paramedical Institute of Education and Research (PIER).

PIER  has been training students to become a successful Radiologists and Technicians.

We offer a Diploma course in X-Ray Technology and Ultrasound Assistance and a degree course B. Voc in Medical Imaging Technology aimed to produce quality technicians in the field of Radiology and Imaging Technology.

Eligibility and other details (Diploma)

Eligibility: 12th Science

Duration: 1 years

Total number of Semesters – 2 (6months each)

Course Structure: 70% OJT, 30% Theory

Eligibility and other details (Degree)

Eligibility: 12th Science

Duration: 3 years

Total number of Semesters – 6 (6 months each)

Course Structure: 70% OJT, 30% Theory

This course trains the students in various techniques pertaining to the radiology so that they are able to carry out various tasks assigned to them efficiently. This course also teaches students to work as a team, handle extremely stressful conditions and sharpen their decision-making capabilities.

This course envisages building in an overall expertise in the student, of imaging patients with care, whether it’s an in-patient or someone in the OPD. This student would be capable of offering a range of services from X-Ray imaging to CT scan imaging to MRI imaging. Besides, skills related to imaging, equipment handling, maintenance and report writing with effective communication skills, etc, are also developed.

Making a career in radiology after 12th in Mumbai by undergoing these courses will give the learners an upper hand as they receive best in the league and specialized training.

Feel free to get in touch with us and we shall guide you in finding the Career in Radiology After 12th in Mumbai.



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Career in Radiology After 12th in Mumbai
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